I am in 25 years old


Today is the end of October. My age is 25 years old in this month. I want to write something that I have achieved. Hmm but it sound little bit arrogant. I just want to share what I do now in that age. Married? School? Carrier? Joblessness?

Oke, then when I met people I always get difficult question that I don’t know where I should look for an answer. Such us when do you merry? What is your activity now? Are you continuing your study? What is your job now? Oh it is a tough question. 
Can I say that it is one of Indonesian culture? People always curious about our life. They are very kind because it seems that they care to our life. But actually it is not really question. In Indonesia is called ‘basa-basi’. Sometime basa-basi question make me stupid in front of people. 
To answer that question I just need laughing if I don’t have a real answer. People will assume that I am a joblessness. Hahaha
So, what are you doing now Ella?
I am just enjoying my life. I have not married yet. Are you feeling gloomy? Yes sure. Hahaha. When saw other friend married, I was so happy and sad.  It means that my friend will lose. Why? Because They will have their own life with their couple. I can’t contact them as I want. I feel alone. Actually I am not really alone coz I still have other friend who has same fortune as me. So we can share our feeling each other and I don’t feel worry again.
Are you joblessness?                                 
I am not really joblessness. I have a business that I have built on 2015. It is audio transcript business. I have friends who help me to drive my own business. There are four friends who help me. I enjoy with this business because I don’t need to go the office. My office is in my room or café, or library. I decided my own office by myself. I have planned in the end of this year, I will form other business. It still relates with service business. So, you can conclude that I am not a joblessness.
Hmm I have other job. I am a staff of YIPC’s community. YIPC is a community that focus on peace education for youth and interfaith dialogue. I am managing two newsletters: Indonesian newsletter and International newsletter. Does it sound great? Yah maybe, as far as I work there I ldo like my job coz it correlates with literacy. 
And now, I am studying at magister program in UIN Sunan Kalijaga with same major as under graduate program.  Should I say that I am disappointed with this choice? I am disappointed because I think academic condition different with my expectation. I thought to change my major, but I don’t have brave enough to do that. So, now I am continuing this process, I try to do the best in this program.
I also join in the some program in outside university. I try to sent a paper about peace education for graduate forum. It is an event for all scholar who have a research in many side such as in Islamic studies, education, and youth. My abstract has been received by committee. The event will hold on 7-8 november. I feel great to join this event. I hope there would be other change to join event like this one. I really want to participate in international program. I want to go Finland and Egypt. Finland has a great system in education and Egypt I want to learn Arabic there.
Then, I am also member of GUSDURian. I learn about Gus Dur thought there. Here I know that Indonesia has a big problem such us economic, human right, education ect. Sometime If I had learned about all thing about Indonesia I don’t think to marry. I want to solve Indonesia’s problem. Hahaha My friends said that “married obstruct revolution.”
 What is next?
I am studying English language like this one. I write everything and sometime I also hear about online lecture. Actually I really have big spirit to learn English and Arabic. To get great skill I should be patient, do a process little by little, and see two years later, what will happen in the future.
I have expectation that I am to be a writer of short story. I hope it could be in the future. But the problem is I have not write again. Just read books and look for great idea. Aaa.... It is October and I don’t have a great short story in this year.

I have many activities. Sometimes I feel I want to stop all activities and I live just for reading and writing and live with my great husband (It is just an impossible dream).      

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